Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It is all over for another year

Yeah! So we all lived through christmas. It was a lot of fun and a lot of chaos.

I am gearing up for the New Year. We have nothing planned to do, but I am gearing up ffor school. I just about had a complete sh^% fit when I looked at the cost of my books. I was quoted at over $350 for 6 weeks worth of courses. What the hell....I then figured out that they were actually quoting the books 3 times and that it really was only $117...not as bad.

I looked after my niece and nephew today. Having a little bit of trouble as Aaryanna and Tyler want to "snuggle". Their snuggling is Aaryanna lying on top of Tyler. Although they are only 5 and 6 I feel slightly awkward about this and am not sure how to deal with this new dilemma. I just keep telling them not to with no further explanation. AAAHHHH! Why me? Calgon take me away....

So yeah, I will try and start our new annual girls camp out. Yeah. Well ciao as my hubby has come back bearing and cigarettes. Boy does he know the way to my heart.


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