Yeah. So maybe some of you got some sort of invitation to view some pictures....maybe not. I am not entirely sure that the thing was sent or how the hell to use it, Whatever.
My kids are totally driving me crazy. They have turned into the great whiners and tattletalers extrodinare. Hell its always "HAAAAAYYYYDDDDEEEN did -----to me" or "Nana did.....to me". Christ learn how to defend yourselves and stop bugging me! Ha great matherly attitude. I will feel bad about this statement later, but now am just tooo irritable.
Fred is in a terrible mood. Seems he is ready to go off about something or other. WHo cares I am ready and waiting....like a spider.
So my sister added to my blog...thank you very much. I appreciate all the attention I have been getting....LOL.
I have finished an exam today on the ethics of teaching. Lovely class, but I feel I may have taken quite a plunge as I totally seemed to be unable to make any sense whatsoever. One more final to go. I will see if I get any studying done or merely try to avoid it like the plague.
So I am going to try and be productive. I will sign off. Feel free to start a rant all of your own....it is very theraputic.
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