Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I have a placement for teaching

Okay so I now know where I am going to teach....Bev Facey. I am a little nervous to say the least. I really hoped to be placed outside the area in which I live. I just hate the idea of running into people I teach as a "student" because it seems real expertise in which to have a state of grandeur...LOL

Now my second little reserve is that my Mentor teacher teaches 2 classes of advanced placement(The "smart" kids) and so it breaks down to 13, 20AP, 30, 30 AP. They have this little understanding to that teachers who teach the academic subjects tend to hoard their "smart"students and especially their 30 (grade 12 students) because of exams (diploma's).

So maybe it will actually be an easy term because he will only let me teach the 13's which is totally fine with me. LOL

And now I am also worried about my clothes....I need to lose weight really, really fast. I hardly fit most of my stuff because I have gotten sooooooooo fat. AAAAHHHHHH!!

Well wish me luck and hope I get smart quick. I totally have to do a cram seesion of studying my university courses.LOL


I am smart, I am smart, I am smart!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life is moving on quickly

So I have to admit I have done very little about telling my professor to watch his mouth. This has been a great dilemma and I feel like such a little failure. I had a bad experience last semester and the drama goes on where I feel I definetley recieved an unfair grade, so now I am afraid to face this again.

I have been working diligently towards finishing my assignments and I am relieved that I am in fact getting them done.

The water leak we had on the front of our property is fixed and paid for by the county so Fred and I are breathing much easier.I am sooo excited as I have 3 weeks and 3 days to go before I am finished my school part and get to move in to teaching. Hurray!

Well that is all for now.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

So we keep getting a totally un-politically correct class

So not only are my classmates complete idiots so is my professor. He keeps making sexist/racist type statements that I continue to find more and more offensive. Anyways some may find me touchy, but hey I am entitled to my opinion. So my professor likes to keep speaking about things as "motherhood" ideas....what the F!@## is a "motherhood" idea????? I'm a mother and I don't know what that is.

So that is one little thing and next is the calling of Canadian aboriginals or First Nations people as "natives". I did have a discussion with Fred about this and we discussed that it may be just us that think that there are negative connotations and I certainly would never, never call a First Nations or talk to First Nations about being a "native".

Also consider his description of racism between a group of "black" and a "brown" kid. Well the professor knew the one kid was East Indian so why did he not just say that, why "brown"? Also, he also stated on another time that we did not have to worry so much about the ethnic groups or immigrants but that the Jehovah Witnesses were a real problem for Social Studies teachers as they did not believe in government, etc. Well I frankly say this is wrong. They are the "problem"? We supposedly have freedom of religion etc and the right to chose NOT to participate in of the reasons Mennonites came up to Canada from the US was Canada allowed them to refrain from fighting as they were pacifists. So how can this guy feel it is acceptable for himself to single out all these people...remember I have only been in the class for 5 days and I already have seen numerous occasions of intolerant language.Well I will see if I am fighting the good fight. Cheers to all the people who refuse to accept such mediocrity.
Anyways I just had to vent.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

I don't know why I am still amazed by the pin heads in education

Well so I have to share my amazement at how stupid and ignorant some of the "future" teachers I come across in my Education degree. I was exposed to another day full of group work. It has been somewhat interesting to encounter some new people as generally you seem to get a lot of the same people you had before in your classes. Anyways I had a group today of individuals I largely have not really talked to before today.

So when we get in this group project we are supposed to come up with opening activities that get the students interests to study about CULTURE. As we bounce some ideas around....mainly most of these pinheads are way bloody off topic(not on a different subject but not where they should be in this subject) ,which is pretty scary considering we go out to teach in 5 weeks.

Well this guy in my group says about his idea that it was "gay" and he quickly covered his mouth. Well we joked and I said jokingly that he better watch out for political correctness as that was not acceptable language. Anyways we move on and they are talking about using games to go over information students need in their finals. This guy again comments that he would go about it by separating the class in the "girls against the boys". Well I quickly jump in good natured that he seemed to be having trouble with being politically correct. Well everyone in the group looked at me in bafflement and asked in unison what was wrong with that. Well in all of my learning as well as personal beliefs, separating the genders is extremely negative and perpetuates a rivalry between sexes that we in Education should be trying to get rid of.

Well anyways when I quickly reinforced my position they all looked at me like I had two heads and was some bitchy feminist out to get them and I was completely out to lunch. Well yes I am a feminist, but what I was saying is not unreasonable. I did not ask to put men down and elevate women only to not make a categorising of gender in the classroom to compete against each other.

So after all this they totally gave me the cold shoulder and virtually excluded me with dirty looks and ignoring my comments. Jerks! they also took their crap ideas and presented them to the class, which were not warmly taken by the class or professor....duh dummies. So yeah just had to share.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

I am going back to school for my last term...HURRAY!

Well it is just about that time again....back to school. I am excited as this is my last term of school. I also get to do my APT student teaching this term which shortens my time at the U of A and gets me closer to my final goal of teaching.

Hayden is sick today and I am crossing my fingers that he gets better quick as again I am starting school tomorrow. I think I should start wearing garlic to make sure I don't catch anything in the next 4 months.LOL

Tuesday my cousin Debbie is also coming in from Hinton so that is also another reason to be excited it is January.

Well sorry I just keep being soooo exciting. I hope something wonderful comes for the New Year. Yeah!!!! Like a job for me that pays me lots of money, massive weight loss without sickness and a beautiful bag of cash to make me rich!!! LOL well I can dream can't I?
